Product description
Winter Mix topsoil is created by mixing sandy loam, black mulch compost and sand then run through a 3/8 inch screen. This soil is excellent for new lawns, shrubs and trees. It has a tendency to form a crusty layer when left spread and unplanted so it is not recommended for vegetables or fragile annuals as this kind of seed takes a little longer to come up through the crust. This is a good draining soil and falls within the optimum pH scale that is considered desirable for a wide range of general ornamental plants and turf.
Other Varieties:
50/50 is a blend of 50% sand and 50% percent organic compost. This blend is a must for all those organic gardeners. We use a very high quality certified organic compost in all of our blends. So if you are an experienced green thumb gardener or just starting out, this blend will definitely make your garden flourish.
60/40 is a blend of 60% sand and 40% compost. This is a wonderful general planting blend. Plant seed, bedding plants, fragile starts, ornamentals, lawn or vegies and herbs. The sand content allows for excellent drainage so it can also be used in container planting.
70/30 is a blend of 70% sand and 30% organic compost. This is the gold standard of lawn mixes. It allows grass to root very deeply which gives you a much healthier lawn, it drains very well and has just the right amount of compost to feed that lovely green lawn that you want to achieve.
We often create custom blends for our customers. We will combine our wintermix with organic compost or add extra sand. We can, working within the parameters of our available materials, make any blend our customers need.